Monday, October 16, 2023

Anina Ot

Anina Ot is a contributor to Datamation and Enterprise Storage Forum. She worked in online tech support before becoming a technology writer, and has authored more than 400 articles about cybersecurity, privacy, cloud computing, data science, and other topics. Anina is a digital nomad currently based in Turkey.

How IIoT is Used by MachineMax, TIER Mobility, Bühler Group, Augury, and Port of Rotterdam: Case Studies

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been used as a tool to streamline the work environment and promote efficiency. On a larger scale, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) can be used...

Microsoft Azure: Internet of Things (IoT) Portfolio Review

Microsoft Azure’s Internet of Things (IoT) portfolio is a collection offerings to control, monitor, and secure IoT networks and assets.  Microsoft Azure and other cloud services from the company grew 51% year over...

DataRobot: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Portfolio Review

DataRobot is an artificial intelligence (AI) cloud leader that provides access to AI across the globe. It enables organizations to leverage the transformative power of AI through its AI Cloud platform and...

How Networking is Used by OSF HealthCare, MKI, Zaymer, EPB, and James Cook University: Case Studies

Having a reliable infrastructure and foundation for your network is an essential part of running a business, regardless of the size and industry. See how five companies and organizations from various industries elevated...

Juniper Networks: Networking Portfolio Review

Juniper Networks is a multinational developer of networking solutions that simplify network operations.  In 2020, it generated a net revenue of $4.4 billion, and the company expects it to go up by 6%...

Cisco: Networking Portfolio Review

Cisco is one of the leading providers of flexible and secure networking solutions for enterprises and small businesses. See below for a review of Cisco’s networking portfolio, including partners, a use case, reviews,...

How Internet of Things (IoT) Edge Computing is Used by Volkswagen Group, Bharat Light & Power, Eneco, SISAG, and Deep Sky Vineyard: Case Studies

The Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing play a major role in how organizations in a variety of industries operate. Below are some examples of how IoT and edge computing technologies helped...

Cisco: Internet of Things (IoT) Portfolio Review

Cisco is one the leading developers of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and offers a range of offerings across the market. See below to learn all about Cisco’s IoT products and services and...

AWS: Internet of Things (IoT) Portfolio Review

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a leading company in the Internet of Things (IoT) market due in part to its well-entrenched position in the cloud computing space. With just over 50,000 employees, Seattle-based...

How Machine Learning (ML) is Used by Bayer, AES, American Cancer Society, AIMMO, and Road Commission of Western Australia: Case Studies

As machine learning (ML) technology improves and uses cases grow, more companies are employing ML to optimize their operations through data. As a branch of artificial intelligence (AI), ML is helping companies to...

AWS Artificial Intelligence (AI) Portfolio Review

Amazon Web Services' (AWS) artificial intelligence (AI) portfolio is a collection of machine learning (ML) and AI solutions for the data science market. Seattle-based AWS has about 50,000 employees, working on cloud-based solutions...

IBM Artificial Intelligence (AI) Portfolio Review

IBM's artificial intelligence (AI) portfolio carries a few of the market’s most widely used AI solutions. With just over 340,000 employees, Armonk, New York-based IBM is able to provide technical services such as AI...

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